BOOM. CLOSED, NO MORE. EVEN THE DUTCH FLAG IS RIPPED APART ALREADY. It was such a depressing 2 minutes of our lives. Really. And yup, you see homeless people right there.
So then we decided to just walk around and look for a good place to eat, we were thinking of countries but then we just gave up because we were really looking forward to eating Dutch food. (Good thing I did already at Davao!)
Then, we see this place...
It's the Hobbit House Manila! Known for having the smallest waiters in the world!
Surprised by the wide variety of beer. As in all over the world talaga! Its as if they have all the beers in the world! Especially the ones from Europe. I got Pink Killer (from Belgium) and Die got VB (from Australia)

It was a good night, good service, good food and good ambiance. But still no Dutch restaurant (except the one in Katipunan)
Last night, another Yummy Wednesdays night, we decided to go for Thai! So we wen't to Oody's at Greenbelt 3
Good food, okay ambiance and okay service.
Looking forward for more yummy Wednesdays!!!