Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh, Pearls

So what have I been up to for these past two nights? Well I've been "sketching" or okay fine, making designs that I got inspired from this pearls competition. So I decided to make dresses that emphasizes the pearls! First thing I thought about it, very Gabbie Sarenas, don't you think? I miss her!

Anyway, I am not a blessed artist. Can't believe I didn't get it from my father, who by the way is an AMAZING artist. So, don't judge and I am just going to take up my first Fashion Illustration class this term! Excited!

Okay, this this dress was the first one I did. Mhm, looking ugly on paper but looked amazing in my mind and probably if its created in real! That weird rectangle thing in the middle is supposed to be a zipper. And those lines next to it are thick garters sewn on the dress for design. A bit inspired from my Topshop vest.

Not very finished dress that I did. I love the huge ribbon made out of pearls on the back and has this long fabric that will go along with it. Kinda the trail of a wedding dress. 

Hehe made cute feminine short dresses. I really like that off shoulder dress on the left. I'd totally wear that! 

Front & Back

Belt made out of pearls 

Front & Back

There you go! My very first time to show some of my designs on my blog, don't worry my illustrations will improve soon enough! I don't even know if I should enter the contest because my drawings aren't that good. Huhuhuhu. And these are all RTW by the way.