The collection seems to consist of fruity patterns, colors: white, pink, soft purple, some gold for the shoes and accessories and etc... Just look at the pictures, okay! Haha!
€ 23.81
€ 41.68
€ 119
€ 35.73
€ 29.78
€ 35.73
€ 29.76
(image source: here)
What do you think of the collection? Yay or Nay? Well for me, there are only a few items that I truly like such as the dress (7th photo), bikini and the bra & underwear... okay maybe the shorts too. But not planning to buy anything because they're so simple~ and actually pwede atashi makahanap ditey ng parang ganyan na durables lang.
However, bet na bet ko some of the items from the men's collection. As you can see some of the items have prices underneath the photo. Meaning, YOU my baby... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I want you to see these items and think about how nice these pieces are! Especially that white shirt which only costs € 35.73! And please do get those black pants as well, I don't think it's skinny jeans so don't worry. And get those swimming trunks too... HAHA. I bet you will look hot in it. And oh, get those blue shorts! It's only like 29 euros! Go for it baby, they're nice and cheap!
And the best part? You don't have to line up!
Ik mis je mijn jongen! Kus kus!!! x